Saturday, 11 February 2012

New Addiction

Before the existence of the internet, addiction may be relevant to conservative mind saying that addiction may have something to do with drugs or alcohol. These deadly addiction has blinded us to see that there are evolution of addiction that are more dangerous than those conservative ones. BerkatSelamat team would like to bring all of the readers to a new level of addiction awareness, 'The Online Addiction'. 

The internet have influence the way of living four youngsters and not to be left, the old timer as well. It has become a necessity for daily routine. What is more worse than that, it has become a habit for all of us to get online everyday. Everybody might have different view, interest or school of thoughts. But internet has brought them together, to be the slave of the monitor and to be online for hours. Mr. Farid, our designer has articulate this into a virtual explanation as in poster below:-

Our New Addiction!!

Although new addiction may lead to negative consequences, it is necessary for all of us to use the internet. We cannot neglect or gave a complete ignorance to the importance of internet in our daily routine. Do you want to know why this new addiction may lead to negative influences? We will show you more in our next entry :).. 

Happy reading :)


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